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We are a world-leading, transparent and independent certification scheme for wood pellets. From production to delivery, we guarantee quality and combat fraud along the entire supply chain.

A propos d'ENplus®
En chiffres
  • 1302 Certified companies
  • 14 million Certified Production in 2018 (in tonnes)
  • 1056 Fraud cases solved

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Fraud management

The ENplus® Management follows up on every misuse of the trademark. You can help us combat fraud by checking the list of ENplus® Producers and Traders on our website to authenticate an ENplus® seal. Our Blacklist will also help you identify known fraudsters. If you suspect a fraud case, you can refer to our online guide on how to detect fraud, and use our online form to flag it to us.

How to detect fraud?

En savoir plus sur la gestion de la fraude